#employee management

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4 days ago
Remote teams

Council Post: Digital Dollars: How Payroll Is Changing With Technology

Payroll and employee management are evolving due to technology advancements and industry changes, necessitating employers to stay updated and adapt to new standards. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

CEO lauded for trusting employees to work from anywhere they want: 'I am not a clock watcher'

Managers trusting employees to work autonomously can lead to better results in the long run by acknowledging their personal lives. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Why You Should Consider Firing Your Long-Term Employees | Entrepreneur

Act swiftly when necessary despite emotional ties to long-term employees.
Cutting employees, even those seen as 'friends and family,' may become inevitable at times. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fargo Public Schools alone in metro in offering remote, out-of-state work

Employees of Fargo Public Schools, including upper administrators, utilize a remote work policy due to COVID-19. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

HR Could Be Withholding The Critical Data You Need to Drive Results. Here's How to Access It. | Entrepreneur

HR departments face a 'last mile' problem in delivering crucial data to managers promptly.
Companies are struggling to turn people data into actionable insights due to existing silos. [ more ]
2 months ago

How to Delegate as a Business Owner | Entrepreneur

Delegation can be challenging but necessary for business growth.
Find the right person with relevant experience for the task. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
5 months ago

How to Tell an Employee They're Not Ready for a Promotion

Discussing a promotion with an employee when you're not ready to give them one is an opportunity for a constructive dialogue.
Approach the conversation with empathy, support, and a focus on the future to set the stage for a collaborative relationship. [ more ]
5 months ago

Why 'Problem' Employees Are Better Than 'Easy' Employees | Entrepreneur

Learning from "problem" employees can be more valuable than learning from easy employees.
Good supervisors find ways to handle difficult employees that work for both parties. [ more ]
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